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Dealing With Debt Problems

Updated on May 28, 2013

Start Reducing Your Debt

Dealing with debt can make a person miserable! Make you feel like you're trapped and can't go on and live a happy life. Creditor calls harassing you for payment can make one go insane!

You need to get a handle on your debt problems because you don't want to file for bankruptcy and ruin your credit even more for the next 7 to 10 years! You got to make major spending changes in your life and in this lens, I'll explain how you can start paying off your debt and live a debt free life.

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Manage Your Spending Habits

If see something you'd like to buy but do not have the money for it, don't whip out the credit card! Save up money first and then buy it and you'll notice how much money you would be saving yourself instead of paying those fees to the credit card companies. Use the money you saved towards your debt.

Credit card companies love when people are in debt with them because people pay high fees that are going into their pockets. They always find ways for you to use your card like offering you points and rewards. DON'T FALL INTO THAT TRAP! If you must have a credit card, only use it for emergencies only.

Start cutting off some of the luxury stuff that you usually do. If you enjoy going to the movies all the time you can change that by renting movies instead. If you get your nails done every week, try to get them done every two to three weeks.

I remember I was getting my hair done every two weeks and cut it down to getting my hair done once every month which really helped me save money to go towards my debt.

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Debt Poll

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Get Your Debt Under Control

I'm currently in debt now and what I've done was consolidated my debt by getting a consolidation loan so I can have just one bill each month. Doing this has lowered how much I pay out to my debt and helped pay down my debt faster. Plus I don't have to pay 4 or 5 different bills each month and taking the risk of forgetting to pay a bill which leads to late fees and penalties.

Remember to not fall for those crooks saying that you can erase your debt within months. All these people are trying to do is steal your money and put you in even more debt. Just think, if this was even true then everyone would be debt free today.

Dumping Debt: Breaking the Chains of DebtCHECK PRICE

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Out of Debt CHECK PRICE

Debt-Free Forever: Take Control of Your Money and Your Life CHECK PRICE

Life After Debt: Practical Solutions To Get Out of Debt, Build Wealth, And Radically Transform Your Finances Forever! CHECK PRICE

How to Make a Budget: Get Out of Debt and Start Saving More Money CHECK PRICE

Debt Free For Life: The Finish Rich Plan for Financial Freedom CHECK PRICE

Start Working From Home and Put Money Towards Your Debt

This is one of my favorite ways I make money to pay off debt! I did some searching online and found free programs to make money from like joining Survey Panels . These websites I get paid for my opinions on products and different topics. This is a great way to earn extra income instead of using some of your pay check to go towards your debt.

If you're first starting out with earning money online, I'd recommend going into Affiliate Marketing Business in which you get paid for bringing in sales or referrals and you get paid a commission for doing so.

Becoming a Affiliate Marketer online is free and you're helping bring in business for companies and they're rewarding you for it. Companies are doing this kind of business instead of hiring extra employees to save themselves money. So it's like working on commission, you bring business, you get paid.

Another way of making money online is writing articles. I enjoy writing helpful tips articles that'll help people save money. Squidoo is a good site to write articles and make money. You make money with Squidoo by making sales with Amazon, eBay, Squidoo's Tier Adpool, or your own affiliate program you've joined.

Also another great way to make money online is creating a blog and adding Google ads on it called Google Adsense. Create a blog, build up traffic and fans, and you'll start making good money from your blog. Remember this doesn't happen over night, building traffic to your blog takes time and effort on your part.

If you have old junk that's just laying around and collecting dust, SALE IT! eBay is a great place to sell your old junk. Remember another man's junk, is another man's treasure. The money you make from your sale can go straight towards your debt.

Start Working Online

Check out these helpful free ways to make money online.

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Live Within Your Means

Don't go on a spending spree and fall into debt. Having debt makes a person feel like they have a brick wall surrounding them and can't do anything with their life. Break that wall down and get yourself out of debt! How this economy is today and people losing their jobs left and right, this would be the best time to pay off your creditors.


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